straight away this paper looks different than the daily mail. firstly, it's more informal. the largest heading, meaning the heading that gets peoples attention, is 'gotcha'. this is standard english, therefore it appeals to a different audience. i'm not saying that i think the headings and articles in the paper i'm creating should have slang such as 'gotcha' in it but it's an interesting thing to look into. another thing that i've found out is that it only has 1 article on it. the one article has 3 different headings though. this is the complete opposite of the daily mail.
due to the fact that i'm trying to reach out to a younger audience, and the daily mail is aiming at a slightly more mature audience, i should look into a structure more like the sun. the reason being is that the sun is aimed at a slightly less mature audience and there techniques of getting readers seems to work. theres no reason why i shouldn't take on board there marketing strategies.
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